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from member of jury, Mr. Luděk Hanák, fashion designer:
If a film about me was to be filmed, I would choose Sandra Bullock as the main actress because I admire her deeply. I like how she acts and I would love to see my story told by someone I admire and respect.
Given the opportunity, I would cast Emma Watson to play the role of my character as she is a role model for women all over the world. I see Emma Watson as a talented actress with a sense of humour and a kind and loving nature. Not only is she an actress, she is also well educated and an ambassador for the United Nations.
You would choose Emma Watson, because besides being a very talented actress, she is an activist who fights for the feminism and the equality of genres. She became a Good Will Ambassador at the UN today, fighting for women's direct. She really is a strong and inspiring woman for our society.
Honestly, If I had this opportunity to have a movie about me, I would like to try to be an actress and play the role myself. For me it would be another new experience and if people watched the movie, they would get to know me better than if there played another actress.
The actress I would want to play in a movie definitely will be Gal Gadot from the movie (Wonderwoman). From her willingness to help those in need to her incredible courage, to end war and bring peace to mankind, she’s a role model that anyone can look upto.
If I’d had the chance to chose I would say Angelina Jolie cause I really admire her, not only as an actress but as a woman - she is very empowering and highly involved in a number of humanitarian projects around the globe, etc.
It would be Angelina Jolie! Because we were born at same date (4.june), I admire her personality since I was child and I´m sure she would play my personal life excelent.
If they were making a movie about me, I would like that Angelina Jolie to play the lead role in it. This is a very talented, beautiful, intelligent, purposeful and bright actress. Films with her participation are always popular and interesting. And in life she is a wonderful person who does charity work, and she is also a happy and caring mother for her children.
I would tell to cast me, as there is no any actress who could lead the role of me in the movie about me. I am not trying to be too self-observed, but my life is turning this way as it is, because of my desicions, attitude, choices I made and person I am, so only I myself can fully show the content of my life.
I will definitely take the main role part, because i truly believe in myself and in my talent, i want to learn more and achieve. I take a challenge and show the world through this movie that everyone can do it. Everyone start with very small steps , you have to be strong and learn to improve yourself and to move to the second, third step. With a very good example in the latest film A STAR IS BORN of Lady gaga. Through the her part the showed the world that she started with very small steps, her ex boyfriend told her that she will never succeeded , and she did all the sacrifices to achieve everything she wanted, and now shes among the most successful woman in the word.