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Popis obrázku
Popis obrázku
Popis obrázku
Popis obrázku
12. 08. 2010 v 05:55
Same as Miss Sympathy is regulary voted in beauty contests, the stable place here has also competition of „free disciplines“. In Miss Princess of the World® contest is this competition of talents separate attendant discipline of the contest and its winner receives the title Miss Talent.
As the separate event is this talent discipline organized also for reason that 45 girls from all over the world show their craft and charm. Last year took place Miss Talent in cultural house in Polička town, where also this year will proceed this event within final promotion.
The title Miss talent received last year czech finalist, eigheen year sold Michaela Haladová, who griped the jury with her dance performance.
Petr Lakron´s model,
According to differnces between cultures we can enjoy at this event an exhibition of cultural traditions or the impressive national costumes.
Part of the programme is also introduction of girls and fashion parade in dress of top czech fashion designers. This year will be girls clothed by fashion designer Petr Lakron who is well known aspecially with his models from leather and fur.
As the organizers from Miss Princess of the World team told us, this year of Miss Talent will be in country style. But we can only imagine if the attendant fashion promenade of this extravagant designer will be also in this style.